Unitarian Universalist Society of River Falls (N8010 Hwy 65)We will be hosting a special meeting this Wednesday with a representative from the Kinnickinnic Development Group making a presentation and available to answer questions regarding a proposed development. Area landowners/stakeholders are invited to discuss the group’s land acquisitions in the neighborhood. We strongly encourage UUSRF Members and Friends to attend this meeting if you are able. Our neighbor to the North was contacted about a meeting to discuss the scope and/or impacts of the potential development coming to the area. This is for an exclusive fast car racecourse that would include housing and commercial aspects. Please plan to join us as we begin to assess the impact this may have on UUSRF. |
Letter from Board President Elizabeth Bowden: The board of directors wishes to let the society members and friends know that there is a development planned for our neighborhood. Several adjoining and adjacent parcels have been sold to a developer with the intention of building a country club road course with housing and commercial buildings. An example cited as one similar is www.autobahncc.com.The UUSRF was contacted by the developer several weeks ago when they began making additional offers in the area. The board declined to pursue conversations while awaiting more information. Now that the land, 500 or more acres, is acquired it is definitely time to have a broader discussion. Everyone’s opinions and input are welcome. We will have forum discussions upcoming on how this issue impacts our society house and mission. While it is not yet a foregone conclusion that this development will happen, they seem pretty sure of themselves, and lands have been sold. The board of directors asks at this time that people feel free to reach out to Elizabeth at enj.bowden@gmail.com with any questions or concerns. If you would like information directly relating to what has transpired and when relevant outside meetings are being held. Input will be required from the full voting body as we figure out how to proceed. If you are reading this and are not an official “on the books” member of UUSRF, please reach out and consider deepening your participation to help us steer the future of this society at this time. We cannot know exactly how this will impact our society house, but as we make plans for the future, we must consider this change. Perhaps we do need to fully reconsider how we reinvest in the building. How do we invest in ourselves, our mission, and our community, differently? Goals such as the deck for outside music may be changed due to (potentially) loud cars and events operating any day/time of the week. What is known now is that several large parcels of land adjacent to our property have been sold. The City of River Falls has acknowledged to the Township of River Falls that this is in the very early stages, but the City knows of the project goals and the landowner has made them aware that the development will ask to be annexed into the City of River Falls. The board will be collecting more information and ideas as well to be able to facilitate a broader conversation. Nancy Miller has already contacted area UUA representatives for advice and we have information on some statements that may be useful in opposition to local actions and policies that counter our values, mission, and the broader environment. |