We are a lay-led, all-volunteer Participatory Society of like-minded individuals. Some of us are members and others are friends. You are always welcome to join us. Our activities include all things related to supporting each other, our grounds, and our building.
Opportunities to Build Community at UUSRF…
- attend Sunday Service
- bring your family
- visit after the service
- join instant choir
- provide music
- offer and share rides
- participate in scheduled activities
- connect with like-minded people
- attend potlucks & picnics
- attend special events
- walk the labyrinth
- walk the path around our 5 acres
- playground play
- plant in the garden, and other gardening activities
- dance in the community room
- play games
- sponsor and attend films
- alone time in the woods
- share your skills
- suggest a new activity
- contribute food for fundraisers
- join workdays in the building or on the grounds
- mow the yard in summer
- shovel the walks in winter
- teach classes
- attend classes
- help with opening & closing on Sunday
- greet on Sunday morning
- light the Chalice
- present at a Sunday Service
- preside at a Sunday Service
- rent/use the space for your own event
- Silent auction fundraiser items contributed and purchased
- Mother’s Day Brunch fundraiser
- Father’s Day outdoor campfire lunch after service
- Labor Day Picnic on Labor Day

“We have arrived where we are because of all that lies behind us. Finally, effective worship asks us to stretch forward. It has a dimension of aspiration.”
― John Buehrens, A Chosen Faith: An Introduction to Unitarian Universalism