Justice & Equity

This month our theme calls us to reflect upon the impact inequities have upon people’s lives, relationships, and spirits.
Join us as we continue exploring the proposed new UU values in principles by celebrating what and how the values of justice and equity mean in our lives and faith as Unitarian Universalists’ 2nd Principle calls us to “covenant to affirm and promote: Justice, equity and compassion in human relations.”
How might we understand what this means to us today, as our community and nation reels from inequities of access to healthcare, economic insecurity, and higher exposure to virus and subsequent risks? We may also be struggling with the meaning of equity in our day-to-day relations with family members or work dynamics.
February services begin at 10:30am on Sunday mornings
4 Spiritual Growth Side With Love
11 Environmentalism Green Sanctuary 2030
18 Social Action Lauren Evans, speaker
25 Community Forum