UUSRF Sunday Service, March 24

Sunday, March 24, 2024 at 10:30 a.m.

Forum with Paula.

Join us as we consider how to transform charity into mutual aid.

Donate to Mutual Aid, Transforming Charity

-From resilience.org

A mutual aid group should be an adaptive organism, designed to be responsive to community needs. “One of the things that I’m pretty proud that we’ve done is be[ing] really responsive to community needs and figur[ing] out how to respond to those needs in a really quick way and not being bogged down in systems,” said Juliana Garcia, a facilitator of Mutual Aid Tompkins around Ithaca, New York.

Their network began as an information clearinghouse and then grew into a hub for making connections. “I think our role has largely been networking and collecting resources,” said Josh Dolan,who is also a facilitator with Mutual Aid Tompkins. Dolan said community members often self-organize using Mutual Aid Tompkins’ Facebook pages. “All the physical work is being done by volunteers.”