Social Action Committee
The committee is working in three areas right now. Help out with these action steps:
Support fair and peaceful elections.
1. Sign up to be an observer for the vote certification at the county clerk’s office. This generally happens one week after the election. Email UUSRFon65@gmail.com and put Social Action in the subject heading for more information.
Support the environment.
2. Order a FREE Focus on Energy pack by November 1 and UWRF will receive credit towards a $5,000 energy grant. Click here for link. The Promo Code is HE-UWRF.
Support our community.
3. Help Our Neighbors’ Place with the Holiday Giving Campaign.
For the month of November there will be a donation bin in the lobby of Our Neighbors’ Place, which is in need of these donations:
- towels and washcloths (new or gently used)
- laundry detergent
- body wash
- non perishable microwave food items like soup, pasta and ramen cups
- jerky sticks
- fruit cups, nutrition bars, other non-perishables that don’t need a can opener
Caring Circle: November 13th at 7:00 Meeting via Zoom.
UUSRF Board: November 20th at 6:30 via Zoom. You are welcome to attend and follow the business of UUSRF. Contact Don Leake (don.leake52@gmail.com) for the Zoom link.
Program: November 20th at 6:30 via Zoom. Input in this important committee is needed. Contact don.leake52@gmail.com for the Zoom link.