Program Committee:The board is acting as the Program Committee for now and welcomes suggestions for program ideas for Sunday services. Contact uusrfon65@gmail.com with ideas or to join this important committee!
Administration Committee: There are many small jobs that are necessary to keep our building functioning. With a robust team, they can all be easily done. Contact Don (don.leake52@gmail.com) for more information or to join the team to lend a hand.
Financial Report for first half of fiscal year, July – December 2024.
Estimated budget for 2024-25: $28,600
YTD Contributions: $17,460
YTD Expenses: $8,936 – The second half of the year is more expensive due to heating and snow removal costs.
Net Income: $8,524
The 2024-25 budget planned for $20,465 in contributions and $28,600 in expenses. The board is pleased with the contributions toward budget at this point in our fiscal year. However, many capital improvement projects remain on the wish list: reroofing the SE building, a deck for outdoor events, improved sign at the highway, highway entrance lighting, and front door replacement. Any additional income at the end of the year will be put towards one or more of these projects. In other words, your continued support of UUSRF is appreciated.
Our Current Board
Bob Emberger: President
Alison Page: President Elect and Secretary alisonhpage@yahoo.com715-821-8820
Tera Wells: Past President
Brad Moore: Treasurer
Don Leake: Member at Large don.leake52@gmail.com
Paula Lugar: Member at Large plugar@svtel.net
Maureen Ash: Member at Large maureen7ash@gmail.com