UUSRF Annual Meeting, May 19, 2024

Preparing for the annual meeting: An editorial by Paula Lugar based on board discussion.

Is UUSRF a “Church”?The short answer is, “Yes.”
Here’s why:“Every Unitarian Universalist Association (UUA) congregation is a “church” under U.S. tax law, therefore tax exempt, charitable, and exempt from tax filing.
There is no “group exemption” from the UUA, but the UUA will provide a letter saying acongregation is in good standing.”CLICK HERE for More Information

So, we are a church according to the Unitarian Association of America. Yet some of us express discomfort with the idea that we attend “church.” Even our name UU Society of River Falls distances us from the idea that we are a “church.” To address that issue, let’s look at what a “church” is.

While many churches are Christian and use the Bible, we neither require that you believe in God nor do we exclude people who do. There is another kind of church. It’s called a secular church.

What is a secular church? One example is atheist churches. Here’s a quote about them.As rates of religious affiliation continue to decline, many scholars and pundits haveargued that there will be a decline in community engagement and other importantindicators of well-being, such as health, happiness and people's sense of meaning and purpose.

However, atheist churches are an example of how nonreligious Americans are findingnew ways to meet those needs. A member of Sunday Assembly told me: "I honestly can’t think of a word to describe it. I mean, “life-changing”; sounds stupid, but Sunday Assembly just helped so much. I’ve always struggled with depression, and I’m so much happier now that I have this group of friends who share my beliefs and who are trying to do good out in the world with me.”CLICK HERE FOR MORE INFORMATION

Why is UUSRF’s status as a church important?That answer has to do with tax law. Because we are a church, we enjoy tax benefits listed in the first part of the quote above and repeated here.
“Every Unitarian Universalist Association (UUA) congregation is a “church” under U.S. tax law, therefore tax exempt, charitable, and exempt from tax filing.”

More info will be provided at our annual meeting. Looking forward to seeing you there.Contact Ann Leake (annleake@sbcglobal.net) if you’d like more information about the gardens.

Nominating Committee Chosen!Tristan Williams, Lynn Huiskamp and Kate Jones will serve as the nominating committee for the UUSRF May election. Two board positions are open: President Elect and Member at Large. Please contact Tristan (Tristanjnwilliams@gmail.com), Lynn (Lynn.huiskamp@gmail.com) or Kate (Katejonesriverfalls@gmail.com) if you are interested in being a candidate!