![Word Musing in Cursive on Colorful Background](https://uusrf.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/11/Word-Musing-in-Cursive-on-Colorful-Background.jpg)
This poem comes from the storytelling activity during the January 5th service. Do you have an “I Am From” poem to share? The Dragonfly weekly UUSRF electronic newsletter will include it here in coming weeks.
“I Am From”
A poem of UUSRF by Don Leake
I am from flaming chalices, from rainbow streamers and the Paterek bell.
I am from prairie grasses and morning glories.
I am from the white pine at the center of a meditation walk.
I’m from chili cook-offs, pancake breakfasts, and potlucks.
From Jens and Jay.
I’m from wisdom, compassion and justice.
From “Deeds, not creeds,” “We Would Be One,” and ”Blue Boat Home.”
I’m from Thoreau, Oliver, Buddha, Jesus, Stanton, Dix, Lao-tse, and Chief Seattle.
From Tie Down the Sun, dancing around the Maypole and the Guatemalan banners at closing time
Which remind me to Question Everything.
Submissions for the UU Musings section are welcome. Send essays, poems or other writings to annleake001@gmail.com. These can be original works or pieces by other authors that you enjoy and want to share with our community.