April 21st Sunday Service:
The responsibility we have to future generations: The Intergenerational Trauma of the Climate Crisis and Benefits of Multigenerational Coalitions
We are more age-segregated as a society now than perhaps ever before. The separation in our culture causes us to miss out on the insights, history, and perspectives of each generation.
When contact with multiple generations decreases or is none and in turn are diminished by the separation, multigenerational faith communities are valuable. For many reasons, religious culture can conspire to keep the generations apart and isolate them from each other:
- Younger generations of adults are more transient and mobile than previous generations.
- Older generations have moved out of the neighborhoods and into retirement communities or age 55+ neighborhoods, nursing homes, and assisted living facilities, often not in the same town or state as their children or families, while children are further segregated in schools.
- In many congregations, the adults go into the sanctuary on Sunday morning, the children go into our Religious Education programs or the basement, and the youth come at an entirely different time or on a different day.
We all need these multigenerational connections and UUSRF cannot regenerate without them!
Multigenerational communications is key to provide knowledge and awareness to important subjects like the Earth’s sustainability. Reactions by each generation to the urgency of Earth’s sustainability is key to its care for those that will come next, making their way on this Blue Boatwe call Home.
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April 28th: Forum with Paula
Prep for our forum April 28th