October 2023 programs involve themes of Heritage.
We’ll be hosting a special song program on the 5th Sunday for area UU’s and friends.
- 1 – Dennis Peters (UUA)
- 8 – Permaculture #10
- 15 – Hispanic American Heritage presentation with Petrona Melgarejo
- 18 – Live Poets 5pm; Board of Directors meeting 6:30pm
- 21 – Sound Healing Concert with Gina (https://www.musicalmedicinewoman.com/musicalmetamorphosis)
- 22 – Building Community forum discussion on our heritage with consideration of origin stories and what a 21st Century origin story might look like
- 29 – song service and 5th Sunday celebration singing led by Katharine Grant. Please sign up to bring your favorite dish to share or help set up/clean up. Help us celebrate our new look and our collaboration with Heartland Montessori! If you don’t know who she is, you’re in for a treat! She says “the goal of the song circles is to bring people together.” Perfect for our Fifth Sunday celebration! As for bringing a singing voice? Singing is an innate human ability. Join us! We are inviting people to bring a dish to share if they would like to. Volunteers are also needed and appreciated with greeting and help for set up/clean up in the kitchen.
Society Operations = Community Connections
Interested in Children’s Spiritual Education or Young Adult social ministry programs? please contact Ann; 715-222-8632 or annleake@sbcglobal.net
- We are looking for members or friends interested in participating!
- Live Poets gathering is 1st and 3rd Wednesdays at 5pm
- Book Study session will be discussing weekly in“Gathering Moss” by Robin Wall Kimmerer – this is a read and share group effort without study guides, prompts or leadership; just interested folks!