July Services: There will be two Sunday services at UUSRF in July.
July 7: No formal service.
July 14: Don Leake presiding. A 20-minute reflection, No Two Alike, by Rev. Kelly Asproth-Jackson of First Unitarian Society of Madison will be the centerpiece of this service. The topic is pluralism, a new value in the recently adopted UUA Article II. If you want to prepare for the service, here’s the link that Don will use at the service. He plans on playing from 38:20 to 1:01:50. Discussion will follow.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-s0GNsE7teA
July 21: No service. We will hold Jay Esch’s memorial on Saturday, July 20th. Jay’s memorial will be held at the Unitarian Universalist Society of River Falls (UUSRF, N8010 US Highway 65, River Falls, Wisconsin 54022) on July 20, 2024. Visitation is from 12 – 3:30 pm with a service and meal to follow at 4 pm. Here’s the beginning of his obituary from the Bakken Young website. You can read Jay’s full obituary here: https://bakken-young.com/jay-esch-06-11-2024/
July 28th: Paula Lugar will facilitate a discussion forum. Expect to hear about the highlights of the General Assembly. It was described as the hardest GA ever as many experienced the pain of conflicting opinions sometimes expressed in hurtful ways despite the presence of “process monitors.”