Is it too late to turn the lights back on for UUSRF?

Billy Joel didn’t want to write new songs. He was “finished” with that. Yet, a young song writer
was able to engage him in writing a new song. That story is part of the video link. Bottom line,
he had regrets. He didn’t want to put himself through the grist mill any more. The young song
writer talked him into collaborating by sharing some of his unfinished bits and pieces. The song
idea that sparked the resurgence of a career had barely a melody. It even sounded kind of “like
a hymn” according to Billy Joel.

The young one knew how to play the piano and write songs. He created a song called “Turn on
the Lights” that Billy Joel “didn’t hate.” Usually he hated his voice on recordings. The song is
about relationships and about Billy Joel’s own life. He was going to put out a new record. Was
he really getting a second chance? Did he wait too long to turn the lights back on?
The new song starts with “Please open the door, nothing is different, been here before…”
Segue to UUSRF. We are not finished. We have important work to do. We need all of our
songwriters (metaphorically speaking), especially the young ones to engage with us to define
our work as we create our future.

What exactly is that work?

Strategic planning is going to help us answer that. We are using a process called Appreciative
Inquiry to define our work. It offers a way to create positive change within an organization. Our
lights are dimmed a bit, but not turned off. So, let’s start brighten our lights by looking at what
UUSRF was at its best? What brought people to UUSRF? Where do we want to go now? We
are seeking input through interviews with members and friends: past, present and future.
Our August 11th service was about our progress so far. We heard good things about UUSRF.
We heard what people would like to see. Here are just a few of the things we heard. People
appreciate being able to be themselves! They like the grounds, the gardening and being able to
get out in nature. Joy was identified as part of what they get. Music always brings joy. They
leave feeling like they are better people than when they arrived. It’s important to have a non-
Christian church with no God-based creeds. We heard a lot more than this.

The invitation now is to continue the conversation.
We want to hear from you!

● What brought you to UU?
● What holds you here?
● What do you value most about UUSRF?
● What do you appreciate about UUSRF that you never want to lose?● When UUSRF was at its best, what was it like?
● What are your hopes for the future of UUSRF?

What would great feel like? What do you want to see?
● A sense of community – caring for each other and our community
○ Joys and concerns, caring circle – to caring community
● A liberal, spiritual community –
○ Flexible and non-judgemental.
○ “An organization that helps me be an excellent person.”
○ Not political, but addresses issues
○ Not religious, but spiritual
● A culture of engagement and curiosity.
● Intellectually interesting and challenging
○ Interesting people with whom to interact
○ Diversity of thought, ideas, and perspectives
○ Interesting, diverse topics that challenge members to think
● Strong community connections

What would great look like? What do you want to feel?
● A Place ….
○ To come together – e.g. race track discussions, important life events,
○ To slow down and meditate
● Engaged People…..
○ Leadership – organized with clear direction
○ Membership – full seats
● Programs….
○ Services – some structure, but flexible to address issues of the day
○ Education – especially for children
○ Music
● Activities
○ Gardening
○ Music
○ Events
○ Book Club
○ Poetry
○ Permaculture group
○ Theater
● Community Connections
○ Partner with other organizations
■ The circle (Another group that meets biweekly)
■ Restorative Justice
○ Use of UU Space – rentals

■ Toast Masters
■ Community Arts Base (CAB)
■ Yoga and Meditation
■ RF Social Club

Our Mission (why we exist) – current
Does it reflect the future of UUSRF? We can change it or keep it. Help us decide!
To nurture our community, to help our children learn, to grow spiritually, as we seek wisdom and

Our Vision (what we will be)-draft
A vibrant and inclusive spiritual and social organization that is a cornerstone of our

Goals (draft)

  1. A welcoming, beautiful, functional environment
  2. A compelling program
    a. Use UUA themes and Soul Matters materials for the next year.
    b. Develop a plan for youth programming
    c. Activities
  3. Financial stability
    a. Increase membership and participation
    b. Stewardship campaign
  4. Community connections

Join us at 10:30 on August 25th for the next chapter in designing our future.
If you can’t join us, text, email or call a board member.
Our current board:
Bob Emberger: President
Alison Page: President Elect and Secretary 715-821-8820
Tera Wells: Past President
Brad Moore: Treasurer

Don Leake: Member at Large
Paula Lugar: Member at Large