Calendar of Events
Sunday, January 29, 2022, 10:30 AM – “Social Sunday”. This will be a more “laid back, meet, and greet” service. Snacks and coffee/tea/cocoa will be available. We will share Joys and Concerns, watch a short video and then, we will have open time to socialize and discuss the monthly themes or whatever else comes up!
Sunday, February 5, 2023, 10:30 AM “For the truth of love and the love of truth” —– a quick summary of our Universalist and Unitarian roots. Rev. Ted Tollefson served the UU Society of River Falls as minister from 2006 to 2016. He currently serves the UU Community of Red Wing and teaches psychology at Metro State University in St. Paul, Mn.
* Please note there is a time change for the Live Poets gathering; now meeting at 4:30 pm on the first and third Wednesdays of every month – Feb. 1 and 15 Live Poets Society meets in the back classroom of the main building and All are welcome! “sweet and Sour” is the theme this month; bring something of your own or a favorite poem of any type to share!
Operational meetings are currently held via Zoom at 6:30 pm; email or check the calendar for the link * if you require or prefer in-person meetings, please reach out. All Are Welcome and participation is very much needed – UU needs You!
2nd Wednesday – Program Committee
3rd Wednesday – Board of Directors
4th Wednesday – Administrative Committee
* If you require or prefer in-person meetings, please reach out